Languages and Cultures

Undergraduate Studies


General Education Requirements 
Each language major must satisfy the general education requirements of the university and the general education requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Specific Requirements or Restrictions
Students entering with no high school language units must enroll in Language 1001 or may enroll in Language 2115. Language 2115 (a, b, and c) is the intensive study of a language and will satisfy the foreign language requirement. 2115a, 2115b, and 2115c are co-requisites and must be taken concurrently. All three sections must be completed with a grade of C- or better, to satisfy the foreign language requirement.

A grade of D in a Language 1001 course is a passing grade but not an entrance grade for a Language 1002 course. A grade of D in a Language 1002 course is a passing grade but not an entrance grade for a Language 2101 course or its equivalent. A grade of D in a Language 2101 course fulfills the language requirement, but is not an entrance grade for a higher-level course.

Demonstration of a high level of proficiency may affect the number of hours required for the major. Native or heritage speakers of a language should consult with the department concerning appropriate placement.

Students may not take for credit an elementary course if they have already completed a higher-level course for which the elementary course, or its equivalent, is a prerequisite.

Degree Requirements 
All courses for the major must be passed with a grade of C- or better. No course required for the major may be taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory (s/u) basis with the exception of those taken abroad as part of a university program that has received departmental approval.

Departmental Honors
Candidates for departmental honors in Modern Languages must meet the following requirements:

1) Achieve a GPA of 3.5 in the major for all hours attempted beyond the first two semesters. (Language Courses 1001 and 1002)
2) Maintain an overall GPA of 3.0. 
3) Successfully complete an honors thesis or project.